Friday, August 27, 2010

Drift skates

There's a relatively new form of skate out on the market now, variously known as the drift skate, freeline skate or split skate. It basically consists of a two platforms, each with two wheels underneath

The idea is that you stand on the skates (one skate for each foot) with the wheels pointing sideways, and the ride is supposed to be like a surfing / snowboarding sensation. Fortunately the instructions & warnings are clearly laid out
I've got no idea how you're supposed to start them rolling without having something solid to push off from
But it didn't take long before my natural poise & grace took over

It's a wierd sensation and although hard at first I could feel my body starting to adjust and get used to the movement. I even managed a 10' wobbly roll down a gentle hill by the end of my second session! However they're hard work - you're constantly trying to both balance and to stop your feet from disappearing out sideways so it's hard on both the deep core muscles and the muscles on the inside of your thighs. The biggest fear isn't so much falling off but the back skate stopping whilst the front skate continues on, leading to an inevitable yet still painful conclusion.


  1. They are called Freeline Skates. Invented by me, Ryan Farrelly, in San Francisco. There have been all sorts of Knock offs including these products you mention from China. By yeah, the Freeline skates are the next ride in action sports. Super Fun, glad you know about them!!! Originally created for downhill use only, all the other stuff came way later. The Freeline Pro team has been traveling around Southern California ripping around the skateparks and blasting past everyone on the boardwalks. These things are made to go fast -

  2. Hi Ryan - thanks for the post & the clarification. Didn't think anyone actually read this! Shame about the knock- offs but I guess imitation is a form of flattery, even if it doesn't pay the bills. Think I've watched your how-tos on you-tube - very useful - so if anyone is thinking about a pair of these check out Ryans site.
